Anmeldeplatforme utilgængelige 13.-17. februar | Reporting Platforms Unavailable from February 13th to 17th

Grundet serveropgradering vil anmeldeplatformene og EASY-integrationen være utilgængelige i perioden fra 13. februar kl. 17:00 til 17. februar kl.07:00. Det betyder, at du ikke kan foretage en anmeldelse af arbejdsskade i denne periode. 
Hasteanmeldelser: Kan sendes  via Digital Post på Virk. En hastesag er, hvis tilskadekomne har en livstruende sygdom eller ulykke. 

Due to a server upgrade, the reporting platforms and the EASY integration will be unavailable from 5:00 PM on February 13th to 7:00 AM on February 17th. This means that you will not be able to submit an industrial injury report during this period. 
Urgent Reports: Can be sent via Digital Post. An urgent case is when the injured person has a life-threatening disease or accident.

Information to surviving dependants

As a surviving dependant you may be entitled to compensation if the deceased was covered by the Workers’ Compensation Act and the death qualifies for recognition, either as an accident or an occupational disease.

If you are the surviving spouse, cohabiting partner or registered partner of the deceased, you may get a transitional allowance. In addition you may get compensation for loss of breadwinner.

Surviving children of the deceased are entitled to compensation for loss of breadwinner until their 18th birthday. You can apply for payment of this type of compensation until the child’s 21st birthday.

There are three types of compensation for surviving dependants

  • Transitional allowance – a surviving spouse, cohabiting partner or registered partner of the deceased is entitled to a transitional allowance
  • Compensation for spouse/cohabiting partner/registered partner
  • Compensation for the children of the deceased and others
  • Special compensation to surviving dependants – if another person was responsible for the death, either through wilful action or gross negligence, you may receive a special compensation as a lump sum