What type of compensation can you expect?

It is not possible to give a specific answer with regard to the type of compensation you can get under the Workers’ Compensation Act if your injury is recognised as an industrial injury.  

Instead we can explain how we determine a number of benefits you may get under the Act if your injury is recognised as an industrial injury. On the basis of this you can form an overview of what may be compensated as well as the amount of the compensation.

The types of compensation you may get

In certain cases there may be consequences of an industrial injury that were not directly caused by the injury. For instance if you fall and fracture your coccyx because your leg is in plaster after an industrial injury or if a surgeon makes an error during an operation occasioned by an industrial injury.

If an industrial injury causes death, you may, as a surviving dependant, be entitled to other forms of compensation.

Is there any type of compensation you cannot get?